Medical Mask Mission
Hildale Park Presbyterian Church is aiding our front-line medical workers by designing and producing large quantities of medical face shields to protect nurses, doctors, and technicians as they treat patients afflicted with COVID-19. Our prototype has been approved as a one-time-use shield.
Read coverage about the Medical Mask Mission:
Presbytery of Newton Newsletter
Presbyterian Mission Agency Article - Take Up The Shield of Faith
Can you help us? You can donate to this effort by going to the giving tab, and selecting "special offerings" or by contacting us by email at [email protected].
Read coverage about the Medical Mask Mission:
Presbytery of Newton Newsletter
Presbyterian Mission Agency Article - Take Up The Shield of Faith
Can you help us? You can donate to this effort by going to the giving tab, and selecting "special offerings" or by contacting us by email at [email protected].
Protect Your Family and Community With a DIY Face Shield
Directions to produce a suitable face shield using old plastic bottles or other containers you can find at home can be found below: