Take the Wheel!
Young people in America have more debt and less savings than any generation before them, yet they spend an average of $8,400/yr on transportation-related expenses; more than any other age demographic. This is about 13% of their annual income, and their second largest budget category, after housing. An affordable, working car can mean vastly increased employment opportunities, social mobility, and peace of mind. Cars make up an integral part of American life, especially in the suburbs and rural areas. Nationally, 85% of Americans ride in a car to get to work, and the majority of Americans drive or ride in a car at least once a day.
Yet there are few expenditures in life which are simultaneously so large, so important, and so mystifying. Most people who spend thousands a year on a single item understand how the item works and how to maintain it. For example, you would expect someone who spends $5,000 a year on camera equipment to be a skilled photographer familiar with their equipment. But for most drivers, this is not the case, and
even routine car care is usually outsourced to professionals at a rate of $70-$100/hr, while opportunities for unscrupulous dealers, salespeople, mechanics, to take advantage of young buyers abound.
Car Clinic is a class designed to help people take control of their transportation. Over the course of four weeks, students will learn basic car shopping, repair, and maintenance techniques that will help them save tens of thousands of dollars over the course of their lives-even if they never plan to work on their own cars.
Car Clinic is a class designed to help people take control of their transportation. Over the course of four weeks, students will learn basic car shopping, repair, and maintenance techniques that will help them save tens of thousands of dollars over the course of their lives-even if they never plan to work on their own cars.
The class is open to anyone ages 15-25, and meets at Hildale Park Presbyterian Church, 85 Ridgedale Avenue in Cedar Knolls from 9 AM-1 PM on Saturdays in October. A free lunch (pizza) will be provided. Space is very limited, so all interested parties should sign up in advance using the form below. You must have a parent/guardian's signature to participate if under 18, and all attendees will be required to show proof of current health insurance coverage in the unlikely event of an accident. No Information from this form will ever be used for ANY purpose except communicating about the Car Clinic or emergency care for students, without prior approval.